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viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

Referencias Adrián


1- Andersen PM. Genetic factors in the early diagnosis of ALS. ALS and other motor neuron disorders; 2000 1 (suppl1), S31-32.

2- Berger M. Kopp N, et al Detection and cellular localization of enterovirus RNA sequences in spinal cord of patients with ALS. Neurology 2000; 54:20-25.

3- Bredesen DE.  Wiedau M. et al.  Cell mechanism in ALS. Neurology 1996; 47 (Suppl2): S36-39.
Brooks BR. Debating the possibility of earlier diagnosis of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. ALS and other motor neuron disorders; 2000 1 (suppl1), S1-S2.

4- Brooks BR. Problems in shortening the time to confirmation of ALS diagnosis: lessons from the 1st Consensus Conference, Chicago, May 1998. ALS and other motor neuron disorders; 2000 1 (suppl1), S3-7.

5- Brooks BR, ALS CARE Study Group. Risk factors in the early diagnosis of ALS: American Epidemiological studies. ALS and other motor neuron disorders; 2000 1 (suppl1), S19-26.

6- Brooks BR. Natural history of ALS: Symptoms, strength, pulmonary function and disability. Neurology 1996; 47 (Suppl2): S71-82.

7- Brooks BR. Diagnostic dilemmas in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurol Sci 1999; 165 (Suppl1):S1-S9.
Chio A. Update on ISIS survey: Europe, North America and South America.  ALS and other motor neuron disorders; 2000 1 (suppl1), S9-11

8- Chio A.. Risk factors in the early diagnosis of ALS: European epidemiological studies. ALS and other motor neuron disorders; 2000 1 (suppl1), S13-18.

9- Eisen A, Weber M. Neurophysiological evaluation of cortical function in the early diagnosis of ALS. ALS and other motor neuron disorders; 2000 1 (suppl1), S47-51.

10- Gelinas D. Effects of the early diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis on the patient: advantages. ALS and other motor neuron disorders; 2000 1 (suppl1), S73-74.
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11- Hirano A. Neuropathology in ALS: An overview. Neurology 1996; 47 (Suppl2): S36-39.

Hopkins LC, Tatarian T et al. Management of ALS: Respiratory care.  Neurology 1996; 47 (Suppl2): S123-125.

12- Hugon J. ALS therapy: Targets for the future. Neurology 1996; 47 (Suppl4): S251-254.

13- Lacomblez l, Bensimon G. A confirmatory dose-ranging study of Riluzole in ALS. Neurology 1996; 47 (Suppl4): S242-250.

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